Getting Data From A Request
- How to use the build-in $_GET array.
- When an HTML <form> tags uses the GET method to pass data to a php page, the values is stored in a $_GET array. Beacause this array is a part of PHP, it is called build-in array.
- Beacause this array uses the GET method, these values is passed as a part of the URL that request the pages.
- For example: detail.php?firstname=tien&lastname=dung.
- To retrieve values form $_GET array, you code as following:
- For example: $firstName=$_GET['firstname'].
- How to use the build-in $_POST array.
- When an HTML <form> tags uses the POST method to pass data to a php page. so passed data will be stored in $_POST array.
- The $_POST array works like $_GET array.
- So when should use the GET method and when should use the POST method.
- Using GET method:
- when request is for a page that gets data from a database server.
- when request can be excuted multiple times without causing any problem.
- Using POST method :
- when the request that write data to a database server.
- When excuteing the request multiple times that may cause problems.
- When you don't want to include the parameters in URL.
- When you want to transfer more than 4 KB of data.
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